About This Blog

My current research obsession is centered around purses and pouches from the European Middle Ages, and the accompanying hardware and passementerie. It is my hope to not only study extant items but also learn via reconstructive experiments; these will be limited for the most part to the textile components, however in the future I hope to explore the production of the metal frames.

13 June 2008

The internet IS still useful!

Royal Institute for the Study and Conservation of Belgium's Artistic Heritage

Object search for beurs reveals many many interesting finds, particularly this gem: Object 10359

The photographer (bless him!) took a picture of the side of the piece:

Take a look at the frontal pictures, particularly the drawstrings. I wonder if those large turks-head knops are not in fact part of the drawstring, but there to aid opening the bag.. in which case the drawstrings appear to pass through a hole in the center of each.


Anonymous said...

First, thanks for linking to my article about alms purses.

Second, I was wondering if you have ever successfully created closed Turks Head knots. Or, Chinese knots, or Monkey Fist knots... they're all similar AFAIK, and possibly the same thing in some folks' lexicons. If you have successfully created such closed knots, could you show me how? I've been dying to learn for YEARS now.


Tristán Z. said...

Just in lexical terms, am I understanding correctly that a "closed" knot is a knot where both the ends are hidden from view? I have made 2 Turks Head knots just based on instructions I found online (did I email you that link?), however I haven't applied them to anything (e.g. the head of a tassle) so for now they exist in a vaccuum. I'll report back once I've successfully (or unsuccessfully) wound one onto something else, because I foresee problems in tightening and, ultimately, hiding those loose ends.

Anonymous said...

This is my interpretation of this purse:
